Description of the legal entity

The National Association of Fish and Seafood Canning Manufacturers – National Technical Centre for the Preservation of Fish Products (ANFACO-CECOPESCA) is a private non-profit business association whose mission, more than a century after its founding, continues to be to represent and defend the sectoral interests of the marine and food cluster, as well as to provide high added value services through its Technology Center. It is located in Vigo, and has more than 250 associated members. ANFACO has a strong experience of participation in EU programmes such as Research Framework Programmes, along with different projects funded by public sources at European, national and regional levels and by private companies. This experience encompasses research activities, coordination of partnerships and implementation and economic management and extensive collaboration with Administrations, national and international research institutions and private companies. Its main scientific activities are related to food security, development of more sustainable preservation technologies, product design according to the trends of the current consumer towards a healthier diet, resource management and valorisation of by-products and more sustainable production models based on the concept of eco-innovation.

Main role in SUREFISH

ANFACO will lead WP6 to support the creation and functioning of an international network of laboratories working on Mediterranean fish traceability and authenticity. It will also have a strong role in WP3, contributing with its wide experience in DNA based identification techniques and practical activities related to traceability, as well as the application of sensory analyses techniques in fish products, including QIM. It will participate in WP4, mainly in the development of guidelines for certification label manuals, and will lead one of the pilot use cases within WP5 to be developed in one of its associated companies. Finally, it will lead the Exploitation & Dissemination Planning in WP7.


Call: 2019 Section 1 Agrofood IA
Type of Action: IA
Duration: 36 months
Start Date: 01 March 2020
The SUREFISH project is part of the PRIMA Programme supported
by the European Union under the Grant Agreement number 1933
Copyright @ 2020 SUREFISH. Credits Zuzuwork