
Description of the legal entity

The University of Naples Federico II (UNINA) was founded in the 1224 and since 2013 it is organized in four schools and 26 Departments. Research at the Department of Agricultural Sciences (DIA) covers a wealth of research subjects related to food science and technology, agriculture and environment. The scientific relevance of DIA research products in food science & technology positioned, for the year 2018, the University of Naples Federico II as the 1st one in Italy, the 7th in Europe, and 20th in the world (http://www.shanghairanking.com/Shanghairanking-Subject-Rankings/food-science-technology.html).

The infrastructure and UNINA technical equipment, relevant to SUREFISH are: Sensory laboratory, formed by an experimental kitchen, a meeting room and a tasting room with eight booths equipped with a software to acquire, manage and analyse sensory data (Fizz Acquisiton, Biosistemes; Couternoun, France); Packaging laboratory equipped with MAP packaging machine, gas analyser, permeabilimeters, environmental chamber; Experimental economics and consumer science laboratory used for meetings and focus groups, equipped with a video projection system and 12 separate workstations with a PC, plus 2 PC stations for the conductors. Other signficant equipments are: PerkinElmer FT-IR/NIR Spectrometer Frontier, Thermo Scientific ICP-OES Spectrometer iCAP 7000 Series and Milestone Start D Microwave Digestion System; Dinamometer Instron.

Main role in SUREFISH

UNINA will be responsible for the Scientific and Technical coordination; UNINA will lead the WP4 on the increasing of consumer confidence in Mediterranean fish and it will match the tasks of WP3 with activities on isotope fingerprints, DNA-based techniques, morphological and physical analyses and sensory descriptive evaluation of Mediterranean fish. UNINA will also lead the Relation and Contribution to already existing Databases and Networks.


Call: 2019 Section 1 Agrofood IA
Type of Action: IA
Duration: 36 months
Start Date: 01 March 2020
The SUREFISH project is part of the PRIMA Programme supported
by the European Union under the Grant Agreement number 1933
Copyright @ 2020 SUREFISH. Credits Zuzuwork