
Name Organization type Main expertise Analytical techniques Accreditations / Certifications City Country Website Contact Notes
Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) Public Food Microbiology Microbiology Tests; Heavy Metals; GC-MS, ICP-MS, HPLC Beirut Lebanon LARI Maria Karam, Head of department mariatkaram@gmail.com; fanarlab@lari.gov.lb; lari@lari.gov.lb Main expertise: 1) Microbiological analysis of food samples (raw and processed); 2) Monitoring all types of food and raw materials passing through the Lebanese border; 3) Microorganism identification
National Centre for Marine Sciences (part of National Council for Scientific Research - NCSR) Public Marine Sciences Microbiology Tests; Heavy Metals; GC-MS, ICP-MS, HPLC Beirut Lebanon NCMS-NCSR contactncms@cnrs.edu.lb Milad FAKHRI: milosman@cnrs.edu.lb Main expertise: 1) Monitoring of the entire coastal zone in the framework of a national monthly monitoring program; 2) Biogeochemical measurements and time-series surveys in the context of the climate change and ocean acidification; 3) Detection of the pollution sources on the coastline and assessment of the transfer and bioaccumulation of chemical compounds in the coastal and marine ecosystems; 4) Evaluation of the marine species (from plankton to cetaceans) and their habitats, and assessment of the migratory species and their influences on local ecosystems. 5) Ichthyological studies and fishery stock evaluation.
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Call: 2019 Section 1 Agrofood IA
Type of Action: IA
Duration: 36 months
Start Date: 01 March 2020
The SUREFISH project is part of the PRIMA Programme supported
by the European Union under the Grant Agreement number 1933
Copyright @ 2020 SUREFISH. Credits Zuzuwork