Traceability and enhancement of anchovies for a new cooperation between Italy and Tunisia

Italy and Tunisia are joining forces to promote sustainable and responsible fishing practices for anchovies in the Mediterranean Sea. The initiative aims to enhance the traceability of anchovies caught in the region, while also supporting the livelihoods of local fishing communities.

SUREFISH funded by PRIMA, involves collaboration between Italian and Tunisian researchers, fishermen, and industry stakeholders. Together, they are developing new technologies and practices that support sustainable and responsible fishing practices, while also promoting the sustainable management of fish stocks and the preservation of the marine ecosystem.

At the heart of the initiative is a focus on traceability, which is essential for ensuring the sustainability and quality of anchovies caught in the region. By enhancing the traceability of anchovies, the project aims to support local fishing communities and promote the long-term sustainability of the anchovy fishery in the Mediterranean Sea.

The initiative has already produced promising results, with Italian and Tunisian experts working together to develop new tools and technologies for enhancing the traceability of anchovies. The project is also promoting greater cooperation and collaboration between the two countries, highlighting the importance of international partnerships for promoting sustainable development in the Mediterranean region.

The initiative is expected to have a positive impact on the anchovy industry in both Italy and Tunisia, supporting the livelihoods of local fishing communities and promoting the long-term sustainability of the fishery. It is hoped that the project will serve as a model for other countries in the region, promoting greater cooperation and collaboration for sustainable development in the Mediterranean.


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